Hey guys welcome to LETS TALK VENTURE.
Today I'm presenting you a new episode of RANDOM CONVERSATIONS, where I'm speaking with a girl from Hong Kong and her friend from Taïwan, who both have prefered to stay anonymous as the subject of today is particulary sensitive.
Together we're talking about what's going on in Hong Kong, from the 5 demands of the population to the Hong Kong goverment, the attacks by extreme chinese supporters and the plot orchestred by China's government to take control of Hong Kong.
As told during the episode, here's the video of the attack on the journalist : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulen1iWtdh0&t=112s
If you've liked this episode, don't forget to subscribe, share the podcast and leave 5 stars on apple podcast, a thumb up on youtube and podcloud.
You can follow my adventure on instagram and I'll see you next monday for a new episode of LETS TALK VENTURE.
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Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6HXDVcCyMir6bC57RBpVFl?si=dsg-TpXaQaeDrHRH4Z0REg
Apple Podcast : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/lets-talk-venture/id1481011704
Music : 30 Seconds to Mars - This is War